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vendredi 21 décembre 2018

Corbeilles tressées

Ces corbeiles sont tressées en continu autour d'un cylindre en carton.
Le tuto est dans le calendrier de l'Avent d'aujourd'hui.

c'est le tressage d'un bonnet turc 6 spires 11 ganses, 8 spires 11 ganses
12 spires 11 ganses.

9 commentaires:

  1. Joc, me encantan tus canastas, aunque las veo complicadas, lo voy a intentar. Ya he visto el tutorial. Un beso y JOEUX NÖEL

  2. Merci. J'avais fait la plus haute pour un thème imposé sur le forum de Minivale (poubelle) Comme je n'avais pas besoin d'une grande poubelle en miniature j'ai pensé à une corbeille à papier. Puis j'ai modifié mes modèles sur papier à carreaux pour avoir moins de tours.

  3. Beautiful baskets, Joc, thank you so much for sharing!
    Joyeuse Noël à vous.
    Bonne soirée.
    Amicalement, Ilona

    1. Bonjour Joc. Here is my answer of where I found some sisal fibres, it was some years ago in the garden centre in the decoration department. But later I also found a little in the local thrift store, it's a shop like Emmaus (where Claude from often find things/stuff). I hope this is helpful to you...?
      Unfortunately nowadays it's not often for sale anymore here, in The Netherlands, at least here where I live. I don't know for sure, but maybe it's still sold in the big cities...?
      Amicalement, Ilona

    2. Thank you. I read that people make hats with susal fiber. I'll look in floral decoration shop or garden center. Or I'll try sisal rope. I know Emmaüs, I bought small regional dolls that I dressed.
      Joyeux Noël

    3. Merci Joc, for your response. Hats?? That's a great idea, maybe it's stupid of me, but I never have thought about that. One is never to old to learn, so one day I'll try :)!!! I've used sisal for the Christmas decoration, but only after I've cut it in even more thinner pieces with a scalpel, otherwise it was too coarse to bent and it cracked. I hope this useful information for you, good luck for finding sisal fibres :)!
      Joyeux Noël.
      Amicalement, Ilona
